
Week Three Assignment


Stage 1 - Due by Sunday 2PM

  1. Use an add-in of your choosing to add something to your blog, a blog post, or within the class Wiki. Possible add-ins include:
    1. Neomyz poll
    2. Chat box
    3. Comment tool
    4. Tag Cloud Zoom Clouds
    5. More idea sources:
      1. http://www.sixapart.com/typepad/widgets/
      2. http://help.blogger.com/bin/topic.py?topic=40
  2. Post a message to the group so we can try it out
    1. In your post, include a description of how you might use this add-in as part of a learning experience


Stage 2 - Due by Tuesday 2PM

  1. Create a post that briefly discusses
    1. (Plus) What went well this week
    2. (Delta) What could have gone better/should be changed


Project Work

  1. Complete your design
  2. Write out any materials (especially instructions)
  3. Solicit feedback from peers (if you want it)
  4. Notify instructor what you want/need in terms of participants (by 2PM Sunday)
  5. Have everything on Wiki ready to go (will be assigned in class)